RT Kendall spoke to the Together for the Nation group in London, 16 May

This paper recently reviewed the new book by prolific preacher and writer RT Kendall, which declared that the charismatic renewal was just that – a renewal, not the anticipated end-time revival.
RT’s book, ‘Prepare your Heart for the Midnight Cry’ deals with the parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 and RT’s personal revelation about the readiness of the Church at this hour.
He came especially to address the Together for the Nation group, a coalition of Christian ministries who started meeting together seven years ago in response to Joel 1:14, a call to ‘gather the elders…and cry out to the Lord.’
It was to this group that RT asserted again that the Church is fast asleep like the virgins in the parable.
He believes that the prophecy he gave to charismatic leaders in the Wembley conference centre in 1992 was going to come soon, namely that the charismatic movement was not the big awakening anticipated, but once that movement fades away then a new awakening will happen, where the Word and the Spirit will come together dramatically, with many hundreds of miracles happening and thousands of Muslims coming into the Kingdom.
RT told the group of ministry leaders: “There will be an awakening of the Church just before the second coming of Jesus. There is a time between the cry and the actual arrival of the bridegroom.
“The next thing to happen on God’s calendar is the awakening of the Church just before his return. We don’t know the time between the cry and the return of Jesus.
“There has been a silent divorce between the Word and the Spirit. Some believers are with the ‘Word’ side – these hold that the honour of God’s name will not be restored until we get back to the Truth. On the ‘Spirit’ side, the honour of God’s name will not be restored until we get back to the book of Acts – signs, wonders and miracles.
“Both these emphases are right – the problem is that neither will learn from the other, thus we miss the whole Gospel; we need both the Word and the Spirit in order to live as overcomers through the coming storm. ‘Wise virgins’ are those pursuing their inheritance. The wise were also asleep – but they were ready with oil. All were virgins – all had the imputed righteousness of Jesus.
“I am 82 and expect to be alive when this wake-up call happens. Sixty-two years ago I had a vision in which revival went around the whole world, and the whole world believed that Jesus is coming soon!”
He explained that the falling away has already started and we need to make sure we are not asleep now.
There are three types of groups:
- Those like the wise virgins who are ready with extra oil wicks and trimmers
- Foolish virgins who have no oil in their jars (oil is the symbol for anointing)
- Those watchmen who shout, “Behold the Bridegroom is here, go out to meet him” (Matthew 25:6)
Midnight, said RT, means the middle of the night and not 12 midnight!
He stated, “Something is coming – it is huge and it will be accompanied by great upheaval in the world.”
Another group member, Pastor Dennis Greenidge, warned, “We are in a time of war and we don’t know how long we have, but the corporate impression from the intercessors, re the timing of this judgement, is that it’s months away, and not years.”
RT said revival is likely to happen in London and move to Europe and then on to the entire world.
There will be severe times of persecution and we need to support one another and pray for each other, so we must be in right relationship with one another.
Encouraging evidence for this came from a member of the host group, Pastor John Manwell, who said that four different denominational churches have united with four non-denominational churches in Liverpool to work together.
With thanks to Kumar Swamy who provided the notes for this report