A refreshing biblical analysis of our current woes
‘Beyond the Pandemic: is there any word from the Lord?’
By Rev Dr Clifford Hill
Wilberforce Publications

Have you been concerned or frustrated by the deafening silence of national church leaders, who have failed to bring a biblical perspective to the current pandemic? If so, there is some good news. Clifford Hill, having the same concerns, has published a timely and challenging book that tackles this very subject.
God is sovereign and active in the world today
Dr Hill says: “If we are to gain an understanding of what is happening in the world today and why we are seeing plagues and famines and major disturbances in the seasons, and unrest in the nation, we have to study the nature and purposes of God as revealed in the Bible.” He accurately applies the prophetic word of God, listening to those who have an authentic prophetic ministry and exposing unbiblical false prophecies and teaching that prevails in many churches.
Eternal purposes
He reminds us that God is sovereign and active in the world today, working out his eternal purposes for mankind. God will not refrain from bringing disasters on nations to achieve that. His dealings with Judah and Israel, who consistently disobeyed God, provide a clear warning from history. God is a covenant, promise-keeping God, quick to bless for obedience, but he will discipline his people for disobedience. The prophets were continually hampered, even opposed, by the religious leaders of their day. That was true in the time of Jesus and sadly true in our own nation. Judgment starts at the house of God.
Godless laws
Having laid the biblical foundations to understand the current situation, Clifford takes us on a journey, beginning with the prophesied global shaking of all nations in response to worldwide rebellion against God. This includes our own nation which has seen a succession of godless laws being passed to undermine our Judeo-Christian heritage. We are confronted with churches in this land embracing and promoting the doctrines of
Global shaking of all nations in response to worldwide rebellion against God
There is much to cause us concern, but there is hope. Along with Dr Hill, I want to shout: “Wake up disciples of Jesus, contend for the Gospel and expose the false teachers and prophets who are crippling our once Christian nation. Challenge them to
Great encouragement
At a personal level, this book has been a great encouragement, confirming what I believe God is saying, despite the blindness of other Christians. It has reminded me of God’s love, faithfulness and purposes for Israel and the Church and helped me to identify with the anguish the early prophets experienced. The challenge for all Bible-believing Christians is to ask “what is my response?” Contend, yes, but also to
encourage others to read this book which provides a solution and pass that message on to those with spiritual and political influence.
Anthony Smith
Anthony Smith is married to Veronica. They have three daughters and six grandchildren. Following his retirement from the Brighton and Hove City Mission after 24 years of service, they moved to Colchester. He is currently an elder at Plume Avenue Church with a special responsibility for outreach. He is a lifelong supporter of Brighton and Hove Albion and recently published a novel on Amazon entitled ‘Pursuing Prophets’
Rev Dr Clifford Hill’s book on our global troubles encouraged our reviewer