David Hathaway’s petition for a national day of prayer needs 100,000 signatures to succeed. It is addressed to the prime minister and Rev Hathaway hopes to deliver it personally – IF 100,000 Christians sign it.
The petition says: “God has spoken in the Bible, saying, ‘When I send a plague among my people, if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray… I will hear from prayer heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land!’ (2 Chronicles 7:14.) We request that the Prime Minister accepts this petition and calls a National Day of Prayer for Britain. We will be courageous and unite with him to accept the only answer to deliver this nation.”
Click here to sign the petition
Rev Hathaway has attracted criticism for requesting that the event take place “without restrictions”, but he replied: “Under the present restrictions more than 50 per cent of churches are still closed, including some very large ones, so unless these are able and willing to open, a national day of prayer is impossible. If we don’t include this clause, the PM can say, ‘Following your original legal action (together with Christian Concern), we allowed the churches to re-open, this is enough, no more’.
“Obey God, whatever the price”
“The Lord impressed on me to read the Acts of the Apostles after launching the petition… the ‘real Church’, was not afraid of persecution. They went to prison for preaching the Gospel when forbidden, as I also did… When government opposes what we believe is the command of God, then the Bible is clear, obey God, whatever the price!
“The Bible directly commands us to ‘Make a joyful noise to the Lord… Come into his presence with singing’ (Psalm 100:2). It is fundamental to worship.”
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