That’s how Christian social concern group CARE has described plans for a Modern Slavery Bill for England and Wales.

CARE have welcomed Home Secretary Theresa May’s recent announcement that the legislation would be introduced before the end of the current session of Parliament.

The Modern Slavery Bill would prevent people convicted of trafficking from getting involved in certain businesses or visiting particular premises where they might return to trafficking or exploiting others.

The proposals would encourage companies to ensure their suppliers are not using slave labour. In addition, the creation of a Modern Slavery Commissioner would hold police and Government bodies to account.

However, CARE also want better care and protection for children who have been trafficked. They also want the Government to address the demand which fosters trafficking – not only for slave labour but also for prostitution.

“The Government has an opportunity to make a real difference,” said CARE’s Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Policy Officer Louise Gleich. “We urge the Government to be bold in drafting the Bill.”

CARE’s Chief Executive Nola Leach commended the Government for its determination to eliminate trafficking and slavery in Britain. “This could be a Wilberforce moment for the 21st century,” she added.

In a column for the Sunday Times, the Home Secretary said it was “scarcely believable” that there was slavery in Britain today, stating “it is a horrendous crime, it has got to stop, and it is everyone’s problem”.