MILLIONS OF PEOPLE face death through starvation because the western world has ignored the needs of people in war-torn South Sudan.

A new appeal was launched in London this summer by representatives from the Pentecostal Church, African Inland Church, and Episcopal Church of Sudan and the Presbyterian Church of East Africa alongside the Barnabas Fund. They have asked western leaders to support their peacemaking efforts with the church playing a key role in reconciliation.

Fighting in the country due to political turmoil has caused 1.5million to be displaced and four million without food. Droughts and the effect of the violence on farming have also caused a famine to spread across the country.

In a letter, the bishops wrote: “God calls the Church to bring peace and stability to South Sudan. However we acknowledge that we have not always been faithful to this calling.

“We as church leaders now want to respond in a united way. We are committed to acting together as one body.”

Chris Eyte