“Sleepwalking into degeneracy”

Extreme sexual behaviours, promoted by special interest groups and the WHO, no less, are being ‘taught’ to our children. Many of the materials used are too shocking to print here

Who knew that our classrooms have become ‘grooming’ centres?

So says actor and former London mayoral candidate Lawrence Fox. Now founder of the Reclaim Party, Fox was so horrified at what children were being taught about the ‘birds and bees’ that he made a film about it, bluntly named ‘Groomed – How SCHOOLS Sexualise YOUR Children’.

And while schools have a statutory duty to consult with parents over the content of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) lessons, in practice parents have been told that materials are copyrighted or, as in the case of the Muslim parents protesting outside a Birmingham school, threatened with arrest.

Now well-known public figures as well as parents are speaking out

In fact, a group of Welsh parents has been so concerned by the RSE curriculum that they have taken their government to court.

Barrister Paul Diamond with brave Welsh parents
Barrister Paul diamond (far right) with brave Welsh parents Kim Isherwood (right), Kat Watkins (far left), Lucia Thomas (left), and Kat’s husband Darren (centre), during the High Court hearing on RSE lessons in November.
Mr Diamond described the RSE code in Wales as “extreme and unbalanced”. He said: “When parents send their children to school they don’t expect to have psycho-sexual theories and ‘plus issues’ taught from the age of three.”
(Photo: Paul Diamond)

Represented by leading human rights barrister Paul Diamond, both Christian, Muslim and non-faith parents have come together to protect their children’s innocence. A verdict is due in December.

Meanwhile, actor turned politician Lawrence Fox warns of the “new wave of activists and sex-positive liberals” is aiming to “sexualise and radicalise” children in UK schools.

“We are sleepwalking into a society where woke activists posing as teachers are grooming an entire generation into degeneracy, sexualisation and depressing lifestyles,” he claims.

Political commentator Calvin Robinson noted that “contested ideologies” including “critical theory, gender theory, critical race theory [and] queer theory” are now being “shovelled down kids’ throats” through RSE and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education). “The parents’ role is to pass on values. The school should… pass on knowledge, nothing more.”

“Two mummies”

Elly Barnes, CEO of the LGBT charity Educate and Celebrate, speaks openly about the organisation’s aim to “smash heteronormativity”.

“Critical theory, gender theory, critical race theory [and] queer theory” are being “shovelled down kids’ throats” – Calvin Robinson

Schools and libraries across the country are now hosting ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ which involves performers in highly sexualised costumes reading to young children.

Books being used in primary schools include ‘My Princess Boy’, ‘Heather Has Two Mummies’ and ‘This Day in June’, which promotes pride parades and leather fetishes.

“Early childhood masturbation”

Much of the increasingly sexualised content in RSE lessons stems from the World Health Organisation’s ‘Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe’. This guide for educational authorities states that children aged nought to four should be informed about “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body parts” and “early childhood masturbation”.

Criminologist Kim Isherwood, who chairs a group of concerned parents called Public Child Protection Wales, has criticised this idea that “children are sexual from birth”.

‘Genderbread Person’

The Genderbread Person
Despite the unscientific basis of the ‘Genderbread Person’ diagram used in schools, the Department for Education told the directors of The Values Foundation that Stonewall approved it

The ‘Genderbread Person’ teaching diagram differentiates between “anatomical sex”, “gender identity”, “gender expression” and “attraction”. HEART has learned that when directors of The Values Foundation, an advocacy group, met with the Department of Education and asked for the scientific basis behind the diagram, they were simply told that the LGBT charity Stonewall approved of the resource. In October 2021, GB News reported that the BBC used the ‘Genderbread Person’ during a staff training session run in conjunction with Stonewall.

Trans inclusion toolkits

My Princess Boy
‘My Princess Boy’ is used by the No Outsiders programme, developed by Andrew Moffat, assistant head of Parkfield School in Birmingham. The school saw mainly Muslim parents protest outside the school gate over inappropriate RSE materials

Taxpayers’ money is currently funding trans lobby groups to influence schoolchildren. The Allsorts Youth Project, which helped develop a trans toolkit, received £287,400 in government grants in 2020. Allsorts host a monthly group for “trans and gender-exploring children of primary school age (5-11 years old)”.

The ‘Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit’, being piloted by Brighton City Council, allows biological boys (‘trans girls’) into girls’ changing rooms and on residential trips. The transgender charity Mermaids made £1.85 million gross profit in 2020.

‘Sex dice’ game

Former biology teacher and Christian MP Miriam Cates, speaking to the BBC, noted that “children across the country are being exposed to a plethora of deeply inappropriate, wildly inaccurate, sexually explicit and damaging materials in the name of sex education.”

She claimed that the “age inappropriate” resources were unsuitable to mention on air due to the BBC’s broadcast rules.

During a Westminster Hall debate, Cates described examples of explicit materials, such as the Proud Trust’s dice game for pupils aged 13 and over, which encourages children to roll a dice naming private body parts and sex acts. The Proud Trust had received £218,060 from government grants in 2020.

She stated: “If we fail to teach children clearly and factually about relationships, sex and the law they will be exposed to all sorts of risks…


Dozens of UK schools pay to be a ‘Stonewall School Champion
Dozens of UK schools pay between £150 and £800 per year to be a ‘Stonewall School Champion’, promoting LGBT ideologies (Picture: parentpower.family)

“If sex is defined as, ‘anything that makes you horny or aroused’ – the definition offered by the sex education provider, School of Sexuality Education – how does a child understand the link between sex and pregnancy?

“Sex Education Forum tells children they fall into one of two groups: menstruators or non-menstruators. If a teenage girl’s periods do not start, what will she think? How does she know that is not normal? How does she know to consult a doctor? How will she know she is not pregnant? Will she just assume she is one of the non-menstruators?”

The Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, has said she will investigate RSE materials further.

Clamping down?

Paul Diamond with criminologist Kim Isherwood
Leading human rights barrister Paul Diamond with criminologist Kim Isherwood, chair of Public Child Protection Wales, which is part of a team bringing a legal challenge against the Welsh Government for mandating RSE for children as young as three. A verdict is due in December. (Photo: Paul Diamond

Following the growing public outcry, the Telegraph reported that Rishi Sunak plans to “clamp down on inappropriate sex education classes in schools”. This would allow parents “greater rights to request sight of the materials, even if they are provided by a commercial organisation”.

The Telegraph added: “Mr Sunak also intends to look to review the Equality Act to make it clear that sex means biological sex rather than gender.

“This would mean that biological males cannot compete in women’s sport and other single-sex facilities such as changing rooms and women’s refuges will be protected.

“It would also mean clarifying that self-identification for transgender people does not have legal force, meaning transgender women have no legal right to access women-only facilities.”

New minister, but no hope of change

Some campaigners doubt that the PM’s pledge will lead to substantial change. His new education secretary, Gillian Keegan, has stated that “trans women are women”.

According to Christian Concern, she “has been vocal in outlining her support for LGBTQI+ rights since she assumed office in 2017. Previously, they report, she said she was ‘proud’ the UK is “a leader in the field of LGBTQI equality”.

Lawrence Fox has produced a video critiquing RSE, available on YouTube, called ‘#Groomed – How SCHOOLS Sexualise YOUR Children’. This article reports some of his findings

Helpful RSE resources

rseauthentic.uk Features trusted RSE curriculums, including Lovewise (Christian), A Fertile Heart (Catholic) and Alive to the World (suitable for non-Christians)

http://rsereview.orgrsereview.org Critiques sexualised RSE resources, including the Genderbread Person, Stonewall, Educate and Celebrate and the Proud Trust

rse-get-it-right.org.uk Gives advice to parents and schools to ensure children are safe at school

parentpower.family Provides resources for concerned parents. Includes a map of ‘Stonewall Champion’ schools to avoid, and a template RSE withdrawal letter

schoolgatecampaign.org Supplies a concise leaflet critiquing RSE and offers a parents’ toolkit to challenge schools

transgendertrend.com Offers articles for parents with children questioning their gender, and briefings on transgenderism

msc.support The Marriage, Sex and Culture Group provides training and networking opportunities to counter the pan-sexual revolution

safeschoolsallianceuk.net Promotes child safeguarding via a grassroots alliance of parents and teachers

sex-matters.org Upholds biological sex in law and culture

‘Love & Responsibility’ RSE presentations for secondary schools by the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC)

‘Sexuality Explained: A Guide for Parents and Children’ Book by Louise Kirk, available from alivetotheworld.co.uk

God’s Way for Romance: Getting Back to Biblical Courtship’ by Prof Stuart Burgess of Bristol University

What is the goal of comprehensive sex education?’ Alarming video of a young ‘woke’ son and clueless Dad, available on PEACE Ontario’s Facebook page

The heroes championing traditional family values

Dr Lisa Nolland
Dr Lisa Nolland convenes the Marriage, Sex and Culture Group to equip concerned citizens and parents
Susan Mason, mother and freelanceaccountant
Susan Mason, mother and freelance
accountant, set up
the School Gate
Campaign to warn
parents of over-
sexualised lessons
Stephanie Davies-Arai, founder of Transgender Trend
Stephanie Davies-Arai founded Transgender Trend to help parents with gender-confused children (Photo: Stephanie Davies-Arai/Laura
Tim Vince, director of Christian Education Europe and Revelation TV presenter
Tim Vince says
parents’ right to
request that their
children skip RSE
lessons is now
“ virtually toothless”.
Tim is a Revelation TV presenter, director of Christian
Education Europe and advisor to The Values Foundation
Nigel Steele, director of The Values Foundation and former headteacher
Nigel Steele is a
director of The Values
Foundation and former headteacher of a Christian school
Calvin Robinson
Fr Calvin Robinson is a political commentator, GB News presenter and former primary school teacher. He says that
“contested ideologies are being shovelled down kids’ throats
through PSHE [and] RSE”. As an ordinand, Robinson was blocked from becoming a vicar in the Church of England after
challenging its claim that Britain is institutionally racist.
Robinson is now deacon at Christ Church Harlesden,
London, which is part of the Free Church of England, a breakaway Anglican network (Photo: Calvin Robinson/Facebook)
Richard Lucas leads the Scottish Family Party
Richard Lucas
leads the Scottish
Family Party, which
campaigns against
inappropriate RSE (Photo: Scottish Family Party)
Lawrence Fox
Lawrence Fox, actor
and founder of the Reclaim Party, warns that “activist teachers are grooming an entire generation” (Photo: Lawrence Fox/Reclaim the
Rev Lynda Rose, director of ParentPower
Rev Lynda Rose is director of ParentPower, which provides resources for concerned parents (Photo: Voice for Justice UK/YouTube)
Judith Nemeth, executive director of The Values Foundation, education consultant and former executive director of the National Association of Orthodox Jewish Schools
Judith Nemeth
is executive
director of The
Values Foundation
and formerly
executive director
of the National
Association of
Orthodox Jewish
Schools. She is
seeking to change
the government’s
RSE policy
David Kurten
David Kurten, leader of the Heritage Party, has spoken against RSE teaching in schools including on Twitter, where he has a substantial following