Baby’s smile convinces mum to go ahead with birth

“At least I was able to cuddle him”, says bereaved mother

MUM-TO-BE Katyia Rowe was told her baby would never be able to walk or talk, but a real-time ultrasound scan showed him smiling, blowing bubbles and waving his arms, so she decided to go through with the birth.

Just nine hours after his birth on 23 October last year, her baby died, but Katyia, 26, is very glad she chose life instead of abortion. “I had no regrets going through with the birth as I was able to cuddle my baby son”, she said.

While doctors often counsel mothers with disabled babies to have an abortion, Katyia, from Shropshire, said she focused on preparing for the potential birth of a baby with special needs.

She added: “Scans were arranged to assess the extent of his disabilities but when I saw him smiling and playing inside me I knew I couldn’t end his life. If he could smile and play and feel, then despite his disabilities he deserved to enjoy whatever life he had left, no matter how short. Just because his life would be shorter or different, didn’t mean he didn’t deserve to experience it.”
