Messages to the churches

by David Weaver
Loxwood Press, £5.95

David Weaver has written a short book which I think can best be summed up as ‘Encouraging thoughts for the day’.

As a Christian for many years David has had to stand back from being ‘too busy’ in his work for God. As a result he has now learnt to be more relaxed and dependent on the Holy Spirit. In retirement God has taken him to new mission fields in Africa.

His publisher emphasises that David is not a “way-out mystical ‘prophet’, but a very practical person, married with two grown-up daughters, who attends a local church and worked for many years with a flight simulator manufacturer as their test engineer.”

Author David Weaver
Author David Weaver

While David believes we hear from God through the Bible, through preaching and through life’s circumstances, he also believes that we can hear directly from God if we spend time with him. This book is a collection of thoughts that David believes God has given him over the years. The words are very general and some readers might doubt their prophetic nature. However, they cover some very relevant themes ranging from God’s love for his people, his concern for the Church, one final great revival and the return of his Son Jesus Christ. There is a warning for the Church to be ready and for non-believers to put their trust in God before it is too late.

Taken together, these messages are an encouragement to Christians; they are messages of comfort, but also of exhortation. I believe many readers will find them both challenging and helpful.

Mark Dunman


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HEART readers can order ‘Messages to the churches’ at £3.50 inc p&p (RRP £5.95) from Loxwood Press, 50 Loxwood Avenue, Worthing, West Sussex BN14 7RA. Tel: 01903 232208. Email: