Has God really finished with ISRAEL?


by Mark Dunman

Sussex author Mark Dunman

Mark is a retired science teacher and now leads a weekly prayer group for Israel and the Middle East. He feels passionately the need to counter the growing belief that the Church has replaced Israel in God’s purposes. Mark details opposing views about Israel and then goes on to express what God might have to say through the scriptures. Mark says “I have tried to make the book easy to read while dealing with a complex subject. Having established the biblical justification for Israel, I do not neglect the rights of the Palestinians.”

Available from Books Alive, Hove, and St Olave’s, Chichester. £9.99


Sow What?

Discipleship made real

By Jan Whitmore


Sussex author Jan Whitmore with her new book ‘Sow What’

Jan Whitmore featured in the last HEART OF SUSSEX as she had experienced healing from fibromyalgia. She has spent 21 years leading Mission Encouragement Trust with Mintie Nel, ministering around the world from their Worthing base. Working with spiritually dry missionaries has inspired Jan to write discipleship books that facilitate spiritual change. “You don’t have to be too discerning to see the Body of Christ is struggling with spiritual apathy – even on the mission field,” she said. “Intentional discipleship definitely needs to be rediscovered.”

Available from local bookshops, £9.14


Ordinary Miracles


Molly Hawkins

Grandmother and now widow Molly, a member of Kings Gate Church, Bognor Regis, has written of the life she and husband Norman led as they stepped out and followed the path that God had called them to, even if that was not their preferred choice.  They found God provided their every need, whether it be cakes, people, houses or money, with lots of laughs as well as tears.

Available from Living Word, Bognor Regis.  £9.99


Review: Ordinary Miracles by Molly Hawkins

I found it quite difficult to read when I first started, as Molly jumped from one thing to another. When I thought about it, that is how we hold a conversation, changing from one topic to another. Once I got my head round this it was a very easy, honest, and inspiring book to read.

The ordinary miracles which Molly and Norman experienced are quite extra-ordinary. How the Holy Spirit lead, guided, encouraged and showed his amazing love and care for them. He answered prayer every time.

Here is my version of one of Molly’s “ordinary” miracles (it’s better in the book):

On one occasion, when Molly was drying her son Andrew’s hair, a fierce jet of flame shot through the handle into the palm of her hand. She dropped the dryer on the floor where it burnt a hole in the carpet before Molly could turn the hair dryer off.  Up rushed Normal to see what had happened. No harm had come to Andrew, but Molly had intense pain; there was a hole in the palm of her hand the size of a five pence piece. Norman prayed for healing, bandaged the wound and they went to bed. In the morning the hole had gone. What an amazing God we have.

There are so many little miracles that happened to Molly and Norman as they stepped out and followed the path that God had called them to, even if that was not their preferred choice. In their walk God was faithful, and His word true, that He will provide our every need in such unexpected ways, cakes, people, houses, money and lots of laughs as well as tears.

Molly, you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for writing this book; it will help others to step out into their calling.

Jacquie King