Trump with MAGA BiblePresident-Elect Trump promoting his MAGA Bible ( / CMFI-USA Miracle Center via YouTube)

Christian values appear to have triumphed in the US election, but Trump is not the Saviour and the world’s underlying problems haven’t gone away

By Tony Pearce

President Trump’s victory is “divine intervention against the criminal New World Order”, according to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (a conservative Catholic and leading opponent of Pope Francis), who has called on Christians to pray for Trump’s success in dismantling ‘deep state’ influence.

Viganò’s “New World Order” relates to such initiatives as the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ programme and the UN’s Agenda 2030. These involve using various international agreements, like the Climate Change agreement, the UN Migration Pact and the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty. They are also working on the development of Central Bank Digital Currencies to bring the economic and social policies of nations into line with a central global authority.

A vital part of the agenda is “digital connectivity” and the establishment of a Global Digital Compact, which will create a digitally connected network of people, entities, devices and things, directed by those who run the system. This is what the World Economic Forum prescribed in their report, ‘Unlocking Technologies for the Global Goals in 2020.’

A digital ID is a cornerstone in this work and is seen, officially, as a way to reduce poverty. The digital ID system is already in place in the two most populous nations on earth, China, with its credit score system, and in India, with its Aadhaar card.

The risk is that this will develop into a dictatorial form of government that will use the social credit system and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to undermine human rights, which is already happening in China. A CBDC can be programmed to make you obey instructions from the masters that run the show in order to receive your daily bread.

The people in power could declare a ‘planetary emergency’ as happened during the pandemic, allowing them to remove our freedoms in order to save the world. Then the ‘man with the plan’ could appear and impose the 666 system of Revelation 13, whereby only those who have accepted a ‘mark’ can buy and sell.

Donald Trump’s MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement puts ‘America First’, and apparently wants to prevent this scenario. He will pull the world’s most powerful nation out of all these international agreements, like the Climate Change agreement, asserting American sovereignty and national interest. For those working on this programme, Trump’s rise to power is seen as a disaster which they are going to oppose at every level.

At the same time Trump faces an uphill task trying to fix the US economy, with its massive debt of $36 trillion and rising cost of living. Some have predicted that Trump’s plan to raise tariffs in an attempt to stimulate US industry will fail and further harm the US economy. This will also be affected by the attempt of the BRICS nations, led by Russia and China, to remove the dollar’s supremacy as the world’s reserve currency. Thus the MAGA project could fail, leaving America weakened, while China and the BRICS nations surge forward.

In fact, the whole developed world is in trouble economically – China, Russia, the EU, UK and Japan included. So we could be looking at a wholesale failure of the world’s economy.

If this happens, the UN Pact for the Future, launched in September 2024, could come into play. This aims to create a new “apex body” in charge of the entire financial system, run through the G20, the UN Economic and Social Council, and heads of international financial institutions. This would bring us back to the globalist programme for world government and represent the failure of MAGA to deliver.

In the short term, however, Trump has won a stunning victory. Tim Stanley wrote in the Daily Telegraph: “America is now Trump country, at war with progressivism, open borders, international bureaucracies, net zero, Jihadism, military adventurism and the Left-wing media. The old order is dead, never to be resuscitated.

“Voters are crying out for a crackdown on crime. They don’t want mass illegal immigration, even if they are immigrants themselves. They hate inflation. They want higher wages. They believe in the American dream, and are sick of the Democratic party’s anti-Western self-loathing, its unwillingness to properly fight Islamism and absurd campus extremism, its hateful normalisation of antisemitism, its anti-meritocratic wokery, its rejection of biological reality when it comes to sex (ie the imposition of homosexuality and transsexuality on society).”

Probably many of us, including myself, have a lot of sympathy for the war on woke and globalism that is part of the Trump appeal. We hope that he is successful in rolling back some of these things that have been imposed upon us by the left wing woke activists.

We are also pleased that Kamala Harris did not win, for the reasons Tim Stanley speaks of in the quote above. The main thing she was enthusiastic about was ‘women’s reproductive rights’ (ie abortion, the right to kill the baby in the womb). Her running mate Tim Walz, as governor of Minnesota, wanted to bring in a law making it compulsory for teachers to sign up to the LGBT agenda, including transsexual propaganda, in order to obtain the required licence to teach in public schools.

In his masterly book ‘That Hideous Strength – How the West Was Lost’, the late Melvyn Tinker analysed how political correctness, cultural Marxism and the woke agenda have infiltrated the West’s institutions. They have enforced ideas and lifestyles which are contrary to biblical teaching, and often make it difficult or dangerous for Christians to speak out against them.

They have used the ‘Gramsci strategy’ to take power in our institutions. Gramsci was an Italian Marxist who realised that Marx’s concept of the communist revolution overthrowing capitalism was not going to happen in Western societies. Therefore he proposed that the Marxists must take control of the institutions of society, piece by piece, in order to gain power. In this struggle racial and social minority groups (LGBT in particular) can be used as victims of Western power structures and turned into tools to dismantle them.

Melvyn Tinker quotes Simon Newman who wrote: “From an initial bulwark in higher education, cultural Marxism in the UK has progressively gained control of thought in institutions including primary and secondary education, the media, the civil service, law and legal profession, the government, much of the judiciary and most recently the police.”

Once in control, cultural Marxists exercise ‘zero tolerance’ of contrary ideas, which are generally labelled ‘far right’ or fascist. I read a newspaper article about a group in the Civil Service who promoted traditional family values and had one of their posts intercepted by the LGBT group who reported them for ‘homophobic’ abuse, threatening them with losing their jobs.

Under the guise of Critical Race Theory, we are being told to dismantle ‘institutional racism’ in our society, which means ditching most of our history and culture and being told we are guilty for things which were done long before we were born. The tragedy of former Archbishop Justin Welby and the Church of England is that its leaders have tapped into this movement and brought it into the Church.

Although we acknowledge past injustices, slavery in particular, we need to recognise that groups like Black Lives Matter and the aggressive wing of the homosexual movement want to reshape society in a mould that is both anti-Christian and totalitarian.

There is a growing opposition to all of this on both sides of the Atlantic, which was a feature of Trump’s victory in America. Here in the UK we are stuck with a Labour government whose members are mostly favourable to the woke agenda (as are opposition parties, including the liberal wing of the Conservative Party). At the same time we see resistance growing here, much of it expressed in angry posts on social media. As the Labour Party fails to deliver on its promise to fix the foundations of our society (which it will for sure), we can expect that this opposition will grow in the coming days.

One of Marx’s basic ideas was to adapt the philosopher Hegel’s idea of the dialectic to politics. Hegel’s dialectic theory is a method of argument that uses a contradictory process between opposing sides to reach a synthesised conclusion. In other words, idea ‘A’ (thesis) conflicts with idea ‘B’ (antithesis) and out of the conflict idea ‘C’ (synthesis) emerges. In Marxism this becomes the conflict between the ruling class and the working class, out of which comes the synthesis – the communist society.

What has happened across the Atlantic can be seen as the conflict between the left wing woke and globalist agenda on the one side and the right wing MAGA nationalist agenda on the other side. What will come out of this as the synthesis remains to be seen.

Some enthusiastic Christians are claiming that it will be the start of the great end-time revival and the imposition of Christian society on America and then the world. Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn gave a prophecy at a gathering of faith leaders in Atlanta saying: “President Trump, you were born into the world to be a trumpet of God, a vessel of the Lord in the hands of God… God chose you to overturn America’s cult of Baal… Roe versus Wade by which millions of babies were sacrificed… America can only be great again if America turns back to God… You will be the vessel God uses to bring America back to touch history and to change the world.”

An article in NBC News quoted leading figures in the movement to remake America as an explicitly Christian nation. They celebrated Trump’s victory as a fulfilment of prophecy and a key step in God’s plan to usher in a new era of “Christian dominion around the world”. Dutch Sheets, a self-described apostle, said Trump’s victory marks a “Third Great Awakening” — what he and other believers say will be a global revival of fervent Christian faith around the world.

Commenting on this, Matthew Taylor said: “Trump has the capacity now to claim not only a democratic mandate, but a divine mandate. And there are legions of American Christians who are primed to embrace that narrative and to provide theological, moral and spiritual cover to whatever Trump decides to do.”

To give a flawed politician such a mandate and spiritual cover is extremely dangerous in my opinion; it means they can justify whatever he does.

All this lines up with the teaching of the New Apostolic Reformation, that there must be the great end-time revival bringing Christianity to dominance, including political power, in the last days before Jesus can return. The Bible, by contrast, teaches that in the last days of this age Antichrist forces will come to power and suppress believing Christians, as we see in Revelation 13.

Interestingly, the name MAGA is given to the fifth (and highest) degree in the ‘Church of Satan’. It also means “magic” or something similar in many different languages. Elon Musk, whom Trump has chosen to co-lead the new Department of Government Efficiency, shared a video titled ‘Dark MAGA Assemble!’ which was full of occult and antichrist imagery, promoting Trump as some kind of saviour figure. On 7 November, Musk also shared a celebratory photo on X captioned “Novus ordo seclorum”, quoting a Latin motto on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States which means “New order of the ages”.

Donald Trump is a politician with a very flawed character, who has shown no signs of repentance for his sins. He has some good policies and some bad ones, on balance better ones than his opponents, in my opinion.

He has made promises to make America great again, bring back jobs and prosperity, stop illegal immigration, bring peace to the Middle East and to Ukraine. Whether he can deliver on them is another question.

We see multiple crises coming on our world, especially in the economic area, which neither left wing nor right wing governments will be able to solve. Prophecy shows us that the Antichrist will appear before the return of Jesus bringing a peace settlement to Israel (Daniel 9:27) and a change in the economic system of the world (Revelation 13:16-18). The peace will not last and the world will plunge into its final time of war, dictatorship and Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21-22, Revelation 6 and 19).

At some point in this process the real Saviour, Jesus Christ, will come to take his people to himself in the rapture of the Church (1 Thessalonians 4-5), before coming again to the earth with all power and glory (Matthew 24:30). Then “the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God and of his Messiah/Christ and he shall reign forever and ever” (Revelation 11:15).

Meantime we have to stand up for truth and righteousness and make known the glorious Gospel message of our only Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Tony pearceTony Pearce gave a talk on this subject at The Bridge Christian Fellowship in London NW11 0EH, available on their YouTube channel and titled ‘10/11/2024 Evening Service’.
Tony Pearce produces the Light for the Last Days prophetic update. Subscriptions from: Light for the Last Days, Box BM 4226, London, WC1N 3XX.

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