Henry Bolton was refusing to bolt
Henry Bolton was refusing to bolt

AFTER THE UK Independence Party’s NEC passed a unanimous motion of no confidence in its leader, Henry Bolton, the patron of the party’s Christian Soldiers magazine says a new leader is needed.
Rev  Philip Foster  told HEART, “My vote will be cast to have Bolton resign.”

As the NEC cannot sack the party leader, the issue was to go to a vote of the membership. Bolton left his wife for a glamour model who, according to the Mail on Sunday, sent racist text messages about Prince Harry’s fiancée Meghan Markle.

Christian UKIP MEP resigns

JONATHAN ARNOTT MEP has joined the trail of resignations from UKIP, saying that the party has “significantly shifted its position on cultural and religious issues”.

A born again leaver: Jonathan Arnott
A born again leaver: Jonathan Arnott

In a statement on his website the Christian MEP for the North East of England cited the “nastiness” within politics to be part of the reason.  He added, “I tried my best to avoid the nastiness that pervades modern politics. I believed my party to be different, or at least to be capable of becoming something different.”

He mentioned Steven Woolfe, the MEP who was supposedly punched by MEP Mike Hookem, as well as character assassinations within the party.

“There have been lovely, caring, wonderful people in UKIP over the years – people who are as far from the media stereotype of UKIP members as the North Pole is from the South,” Arnott said.

“Many, like me, have seen no alternative but to take the course of action I must now also take with a heavy heart.”