International News by Andrew Halloway

The United Nations Commission on Population and Development (CPD) wanted some of the funds meant for the Covid-19 aid effort to be spent on abortion, but pro-life groups alerted member countries who rejected the move.

CitizenGO raised a petition signed by over half a million people that said: “We urge you to stop using the Covid-19 crisis to push abortion.”

After protracted online meetings and negotiations in May, the Commission admitted defeat and the controversial wording was removed from the final document.

Ann Kioko of CitizenGO hailed a “historic win against the liberal progressives at the United Nations” who had attempted to “secretly impose abortion on developing countries like mine (Kenya)”.

However, during the week of 17 July, the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution promoting abortion under the guise of responding to Covid-19, claiming that “sexual and
reproductive health services”, including “safe abortion”, are an “essential health service”.