Janet is interviewed by film producer Mike Davidson


A LONDON CINEMA refused to show a Christian film just two days before its premiere.

‘Voices of the Silenced’ by Christian researcher Dr Mike Davidson features interviews with former homosexuals who challenge the modern idea that people are born homosexual and that change is not possible.

The film had been two years in the making and was the crowning work of Dr Davidson’s research through his Core Issues Trust, which had previously attracted controversy when its bus adverts ‘Not Gay! Ex-Gay, Post-Gay and Proud. Get over it!’ were banned by Transport for London in 2012 when Boris Johnson was mayor.

Christians from all over the country had made their plans to attend the London premiere on 8 February. But at the last minute the cinema’s management cancelled the booking and returned the hire fee.

The premiere did go ahead as planned at another London venue, however, and the DVD has been on sale from mid-March.

Dr Lisa Nolland, representing Anglican Mainstream, one of the event’s promoters, told HEART, “The last-minute cancellation of ‘Voices of the Silenced’ could not have proved our point to better effect! However, we are delighted that so much publicity was inadvertently given to it, and many who would never have known of it now do.”

Dr Davidson said, “It is particularly sad that those who would criticise the film have not even seen it.  We are supposed to be living in a liberal democracy, but in fact we are moving from a society underpinned by freedoms based on Judaeo-Christian principles to one which does not allow dissent from an increasingly dominant anti-Christian narrative.”


Ex-lesbian speaks out

Janet Boynes helps people who want to leave the homosexual lifestyle.
Janet Boynes helps people who want to leave the homosexual lifestyle.

Just too late for the film itself was Janet Boynes, an ‘out and proud’ former lesbian who visited London in February to speak at a church in Dagenham.

However, Dr Mike Davidson, producer of ‘Voices of the Silenced’, interviewed her for the film’s website.

Having been ‘out’ of lesbianism for 19 years after 14 years of that lifestyle, Janet now tours America giving her testimony.

She founded Janet Boynes Ministries to assist those wanting to leave the homosexual lifestyle and provides counselling to their parents and relatives.

Her first book, ‘Called Out: A Former Lesbian’s Discovery of Freedom’ reveals how a childhood “filled with physical and sexual abuse” had destroyed her trust in men. She says, “It relates my struggle with bulimia and drug addiction, my path to same-sex relationships, my conversion to Christianity, my subsequent fall and finally my restoration through Jesus Christ.”

Her most recent publication, ‘God & Sexuality: Truth and Relevance Without Compromise’, provides guidance for pastors, church leaders and relatives of those struggling with homosexuality, same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria.

“I urge church leaders to be compassionate to those trapped in the homosexual lifestyle but without compromising the Word of God,” Janet says.