The return of Jesus Christ – the end or the beginning?

Mark Dunman By Mark Dunman

Mark Dunman explains end-time events

If you have an interest in the end times or have often wondered what it all means, but thought the subject too difficult to understand, then this book is a must for you.

As the title suggests, this second book by Mark Dunman takes us through the differing scenarios on the return of Jesus Christ and the anticipated ‘rapture’ (taking away/seizing) of his church. Will we be taken at the beginning of the dire tribulation period, at the end or even halfway through it? And just what is the Millennium and who will be around to witness it?

It is a natural follow-on to Mark’s first book, ‘Has God really finished with Israel?’ and here he explains clearly the unfolding events leading up to Jesus’s return and the possible order and timing of these events in a very easy to understand way. Perhaps being a former science teacher has helped Mark explain the implausible to the just about teachable!

Mark gives the reader an unbiased view that leads them through the various opinions put forward by different people over the years. He then seeks to discern the credibility of these theories by relating them to what Scripture tells us about Jesus’s return.

We must all concern ourselves with the end times and this book is a gripping read with many thought-provoking ideas. Mark makes clear his own views on the most likely chain of events and then encourages us, the reader, to do our own research and form our own opinion. Hint: Mark’s view differs from David Pawson’s who has also written on the subject some years ago in ‘When Jesus returns’. Serious readers might like to compare the two books.

If nothing else we must pray about the end times and the effect it will have on us and more importantly unbelievers.

As Mark concludes in his final chapter, “If we keep our eyes firmly fixed upon Jesus we can be confident that he will bring us through, whatever the future holds.”

Anne Waller