A top Tory politician has acknowledged the contribution of faith to society and says the government sees its value.

Perhaps intending to draw a contrast with former Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell‘s infamous statement that “we don’t do God”, Secretary of State for Communities Sajid Javid said faith is “undoubtedly a force for good” and parents should not be afraid to raise their children as Christians.

Cabinet minister Sajid Javid claims Theresa May’s government respects faith
Cabinet minister Sajid Javid claims Theresa May’s government respects faith

Javid, a non-practising Muslim married to a Christian, said that faith motivates people into public service and to help others, and that “religion can be an important factor in a child’s upbringing”.

Javid’s speech, at a meeting organised by Faith Action, said: “My own experience, the things I learned in mosques, still apply very much to how I see the world today. So I am very proud that this government recognises the value of faith.”

He acknowledged the “hugely important role that religion continues to play in our society”.