Fresh from two dates at Bath City Church and en route to Europe, John Mellor arrived in Coastlands Church, Worthing reporting of God’s latest healing miracles.  Bath had seen a vicar’s wife brought to the meeting who was so severely ill with ME that she had to be held up in her chair.  After prayer she had started running around the church.As usual, John’s wife Julie explained that some healings are gradual: “People write to us all the time to say that they experienced healing in the days after the meeting.”  This year Julie had her own news – she had written her own remarkable story of searching for truth through some dubious New Age practices, ending up feeling ‘daggy’ in church, before meeting and marrying John.

The meetings were packed as they are every year at Coastlands, with some travelling many miles.  John prayed tirelessly for people – here are just a few of those who felt that God had shown his compassionate, healing power.