Jonathan Conrathe: training and equipping for missionJonathan Conrathe: training and equipping for mission

Jonathan Conrathe, leader of Mission 24, hosted by Coastlands Church, Worthing – 25-26 January

As Jonathan Conrathe’s ministry becomes better known – he has recently spoken at the Ichthus “Revive” camp and at a Charismatic Leaders’ conference, as well as at a Baptist church in Hastings, so visitors had come from a 30-mile radius, with most staying for the whole weekend’s meetings.Jonathan gave several wide-ranging talks and prayed for everyone who wanted healing or an impartation of the Holy Spirit at the end of the meetings.

Here are some of Jonathan’s main points in his own words as far as possible:

The presence of God

God is omnipresent – he is on the highest mountain and in the darkest prison cell, but he only manifests his presence where he is welcome…

What does 2014 hold for believers?

For some this is a year of moves – whether of church, home or ministry. It’s also a time of ‘new wineskins’. An Arab will keep rubbing oil into an old wineskin to keep it supple. Similarly the oil of the Spirit will make old skins supple so the wine will not be lost. But if it doesn’t get supple, a new wineskin is called for.

Read Genesis 12-22 – right through! In this season there’s a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit blowing. I find that Bob Gass who writes UCB’s Word for Today is frequently really in touch with the Holy Spirit and his recent entries have been on getting ready to move! God told Joshua, ‘Get ready to cross the Jordan…be strong and courageous.’ Are you ready to change?

There is a new season coming on the church in the UK. Some of you have been out of service for a while – God is going to kick-start you until you get back into your call. Keep moving forward, walk in love and don’t speak badly of anyone, because the ‘seed’ you sow into others’ lives and work, whether by giving financially or by your deeds, is what you’ll reap in your life and work.

I was raised in a ministry where I was told that if I didn’t like what I was receiving, I should change what I was sowing! If you don’t stay walking with Jesus, you’ll miss some of the greatest moments of your life.

Understanding the anointing

Many of us are so taken up with the busy-ness of life that we all need more ‘soul space’; we need to make room for the Lord so we can enjoy his indwelling presence. In Luke 4:18-19, when Jesus speaks the famous words from Isaiah 61, he says: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”

We often read, ‘The Spirit came upon Jesus’, but here it’s an example of his actually stating that fact and it’s an example of speaking the truth. It should be the truth for any born again believer because Jesus lives inside you.

The anointing is not for your benefit – it’s for others’. God wants to give you the privilege of being a co-worker with him.

The word for anointing in the New Testament is the same as the olive oil smeared on Greek athletes’ muscles in the hot sun!

If you have negative thoughts, you won’t overcome them with positive ones, but by reading and speaking truths from Scripture.

But, having made room for Jesus in your daily life, if you want to move from an infilling of the Holy Spirit to knowing his power, chalk up some obedience! You can do this by submitting to God; Satan only has a command to flee from the believer who first submits to God. The problem for some believers is that they seek to resist what they haven’t submitted to God over!

Jesus healed as he saw his Father doing (John 5:19). When had he seen that? In his prayer and meditation time. He had had a word of knowledge that this was what the Father wanted to do. So the Father shows you what he is going to do – but he will do it only in an atmosphere of love.

Confessing weaknesses

Over the years I’ve found that if I have a weakness, I need to go to trusted brothers and expose it, so that they can cover my back. Often we’re afraid of doing this in case it’s all over Facebook next day! But many revivals have started by people confessing theirs sins one to another.

Melanie Symonds

Recordings of this conference are available from Coastlands Church.

Missions and ministry training

Jonathan Conrathe“There are people in churches who have never been activated! At our mission training weeks we see people who’ve never said ‘Boo’ to a goose come out on mission and lead people to Christ and see short legs grow and other miracles! They’ve been sitting quietly in church for years, soaking up the Bible teaching but never doing anything about it. Are YOU one of them?” Jonathan Conrathe

Training for ministry in Mission24 is provided on a “teach and do” basis through impact weeks/weekends, by correspondence , and by getting involved with the missions we conduct. Having completed the impact course, subject to good pastoral references, opportunities for joining/leading mission teams in the UK and further afield are provided as available.

Potential leaders of mission teams are invited to join us on an “Impact teams leadership training” weekend.

The next Impact training week is from 3-8 March in Peterborough.
Cost is £100 exc accommodation, but concessions are available.