Lance Lambert, Moriah Fellowship at Citycoast Church, Portslade, 26 October

Britain is being paganised, according to popular Bible teacher Lance Lambert.

As with David Pawson and the late Derek Prince, Lance Lambert has his own following who will suspend their diaries to ensure they catch his message.  Several hundred had filled Citycoast Church, which is loaned one Saturday a month to the Moriah Messianic Fellowship, led by Barry and Batya Segal, long-time friends of Lance, who distribute aid to needy Jewish and Arab Israelis living below the poverty line.

After reading from Isaiah 40:6-8 and 59:21, he declared:“The crux of the matter is: why is there a growing anti-semitism in the whole of the Western world?  Anti-semitism is not seen in Africa and China, whereas Western Christian nations are turning against Israel.  But these verses from Isaiah provide the clue: it’s God’s Word which stands forever, eg about Israel.

“Israel provides the supreme evidence in this world of the authenticity and relevance of God’s Word.  The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.  The Jews gave the world the Word of God: they wrote the Bible and the whole of the New Testament, except possibly Luke and Acts (and we don’t know Luke’s entire background).   Jews gave us the light of the world, Jesus, and that makes a nation great.  Jesus himself said, ‘Salvation is of the Jews’.  If you’re a gentile Christian, your father is Abraham, as Paul states in Romans.”

In the past few years Jerusalem-based Lance has also prophesied warnings about Britain and continued on this theme and the Church’s relationship to Israel.

He told his audience, “Britain is being paganised”, abandoning biblical values through recent laws.  “You even have evangelicals talking about setting up same sex marriage services.”

He also spoke of centuries-old attacks to render the Church powerless: “The ‘Body’ of Christ is  a New Covenant term.  A body can’t move without a head – hence the attacks on the Church have been to sever the body from its head – Jesus – and make it denominational and dead.  Yet when the Holy Spirit is able to come in, as in the book of Acts, salvations take place with great speed!  In Acts we see 120 people born again and, within weeks, 5,000 saved.  Compare this result to the hard work involved in most Christian crusades!

“So we’ve made a mess of ecclesiology.  If the Church was as it should be, this land wouldn’t be in this mess.  But we have a Church which has a problem with the Word of God.  While the Church held to the testimony of Jesus, there was impact, power and growth.”