Alan Daniel of Sozo Ministries International has been leading ‘Freedom from Freemasonry’ conferences for over 20 years, attended by thousands of people. In that time he has seen many healed mentally and physically after renouncing binding oaths made in secret societies

Two decades ago, I felt prompted to research Freemasonry and other secret societies. I discovered that many of the lodge initiation ceremonies are almost identical to witchcraft initiation.
Candidates have to make many oaths and vows of commitment which, if broken, bring dreadful curses on themselves. While belief in any god is tolerated, I’m told that the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be mentioned within the lodge.
Thus God showed me that we needed to pray very thoroughly with people on all aspects of Freemasonry and other brotherhoods, including the oaths, regalia, ceremonies and degrees. Few are aware of the binding nature of these oaths and don’t trace subsequent illness or family problems to this root. As believers we have authority in Jesus’ name over all the powers of darkness and this includes the roots and effects of oaths and vows.
Some Christians believe that once they have given their lives to Jesus, curses operating in previous generations are automatically cancelled, but we have seen many people liberated from long-term conditions and problems after praying specific prayers.
We discovered that when we prayed in Jesus’ name with that God-given authority over specific curses, they were ‘broken’ – ie cancelled. Conference guests achieved lasting breakthroughs because the curses no longer had any power in their lives.
For example, a couple who’d been trying for a family for nine years with no medical explanation for their infertility had a baby girl within a year after curses of barrenness had been broken.
A lady was freed from severe depression after struggling for years. A child with autism was released from aggressive behaviour after his parents attended a conference.
Another lady who’d been told she might lose her eye due to a rare sight condition had her eye dramatically restored. The list goes on!
2017 saw the UK lodges celebrate 300 years of existence, and there is an urgent push to recruit – especially among young people. I’m grateful that Freemasonry in the UK is in sharp decline; lodges have closed at a rate of nearly 100 a year for the past decade (The Independent, August 2016). That is wonderful news, but God’s people do need to pray with their God-given authority to cancel the effects of binding oaths said over themselves or their families.
A large number of families arrive at our conferences desperate for someone to pray with them and ‘break the spiritual chains’ holding them. Here at Sozo we love to see their subsequent freedom and long for more people like Ken to ‘get their lives back’.