Tim and Tope

Some professing Christians today pick and choose what they want to believe. It is no wonder many churches use the word “inclusive” which means pandering to the world’s desires, rather than standing on the Word of God

By Tim and Tope Pearson

It is best to cover God’s Word early on when discipling a new convert. If they don’t believe that God’s Word is infallible from the start, there is a likelihood they will stay as a convert and not realise the awesome power of being a disciple.

The Cross and its central theme

The Apostle Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15:14: “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” Our faith is totally dependent on the fact that Jesus died, rose again and in doing so, gave us eternal life, meaning death has no sting.

Islam, in particular, tries to mitigate the importance of the Cross to justify their religion, so that they bring Jesus down to a mere prophet. This is both an insult to our faith, but also tries to destroy the amazing sacrifice that our Lord made for us, with his death and resurrection opening the way for our place in heaven.

They will not realise the awesome power of being a disciple

Let’s remember that because Mary was visited by the Holy Spirit, Jesus was born without any sin. As a result of the fall, we are all born in sin, but Jesus has a unique, sinless connection to our Father.

This is why, when he had taken all our sins and nailed them to the Cross, for a short while he lost this priceless connection to his and our Father, and cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).

The importance of knowing how to teach others God’s Word

In the third year of King Jehoshaphat’s reign, the king sent his officials to teach the book of the law of the Lord throughout Judah. As a result, the people were convicted of sin, and the fear of the Lord fell on all, including the surrounding communities (2 Chronicles 17:3-11).

Jesus commanded his followers to teach all future disciples to obey everything he taught. Hence discipleship training is paramount today, and why we, as Equipping the Saints (ETS) Ministries, will continue to teach until Jesus returns! See Matthew 28:18-20.

The people were convicted of sin

Tim & Tope Pearson are co-founders of Equipping the Saints Ministries: “At ETS the participant will learn how to disciple others, and prepare to lead one-to-one discipleship sessions to build up another believer to be fully reconciled to Christ, through the Word of God. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about helping your church members grow to be true disciples.”

Find out more via etsministries.org.uk or call 01733 230 769